Wednesday 5 October 2016



      Graduate in Malaysia give me challenge to find a job. I only have Diploma In Banking Studies, it's difficult for me to find job although i has Diploma. Nowadays very difficult to find job. Many university graduate unemployment. Factor economy give me challenge to continue my studies in UiTM. Graduate in Malaysia also challenge me to study hard and get good CGPA to work with big company.

     Life in university also give me more experience and i can improve my skill. The memories that i made when Diploma is very precious. I think graduate in Malaysia also can make me comfortable because, I'm from East.

     Last but not list, work at overseas can give more experience to work with foreigner. The work life in overseas is very difference compare with Malaysia. The salary offer when work at overseas if very higher than offer by Malaysia.. so think? for me graduate in Malaysia or Overseas is same, but your attitude can show you where you will work. Try to travel, work at overseas, find experience, find skill and find good financial.


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