Monday 26 September 2016

motivational quotes


I like to share my motivational quotes that motivate myself.

     This is my quote, "if you want it, work for's that simple"  simple right? but with simple quote, it can motivate me to be success in my life. Success is not key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what are you doing, you will be successful. 

     This quote inspired me as a student. When i study, i always remember this quote, cause with this quote, it's remind me to work,work and work, with is study, study and study. 

      I don't get a chance to do that many things, and I should be really excellent. Because this is our life. Life is brief, and then i die,you know? and i chosen to do this with my lives. So it better be damn good. it better be worth it. 

                                       Me and my ambition be like,

              This is my another quotes that motivate me to be success person,

     This is my motivational quotes, if my motivational quotes inspired you too, let me know. Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Thursday 22 September 2016

My life, My future


     First of all, Thanks to my family and my friends that support me until now. My name is Hafiz bin Abdul Rahman. i already continued my study in Bachelor in Business Administration in Operations Management at UiTM Merbok,Kedah.

     My future, future is just not about job, education, but it about me, it about @hfaxrn. i have a dream that i wanna do in my whole life. i wanna see the world, alone. i wanna travel to see people, cultural and you. Nowadays getting a job is very difficult, so i must get a good result in degree and have good communication if i wanna get a job with big company.

     I hope in the future i will get a good job because i can help my family. of course i wanna buy big house, import car, marriage and have stable financial. future is about what we plan, but the decision is made by Allah SWT. I love vacation.

Time by time,
Day by day,
Week by week,
Month by month,
Year by year,
My life,
My future.

I'm not good in English, i'm not good in writing. but i try to tell you about my life, my future. thanks to all of my fans cause  view my blog.

Sunday 18 September 2016

life isn't about finding yourself. life is about creating yourself.